メーカー商品説明 Engine sprocket kit includes special endless primary chain to fit with the 30 tooth solid steel motor sprocket.Kit replaces the complete compensator assembly. Sprocket kit raises RPM to achieve maximum performance eliminating lugging of motor. This kit will change a stock 1.352 gear ratio to 1.5333 ratio, 4th gear 70 MPH at 3620 RPMs to 4500 RPMs, 5th gear 70 MPH at 3042 RPMs to 3750 RPMs, and 6th gear 70 MPH at 2570 RPMs to 3250 RPMs. Manufactured from heat-treated aircraft quality steel to ensure maximum strength. Includes 30 tooth sprocket, and primary chain.
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Engine sprocket kit includes special endless primary chain to fit with the 30 tooth solid steel motor sprocket.Kit replaces the complete compensator assembly. Sprocket kit raises RPM to achieve maximum performance eliminating lugging of motor. This kit will change a stock 1.352 gear ratio to 1.5333 ratio, 4th gear 70 MPH at 3620 RPMs to 4500 RPMs, 5th gear 70 MPH at 3042 RPMs to 3750 RPMs, and 6th gear 70 MPH at 2570 RPMs to 3250 RPMs. Manufactured from heat-treated aircraft quality steel to ensure maximum strength. Includes 30 tooth sprocket, and primary chain.
FLT 2007-2016
商品内容 キット売り
made in TAIWAN